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  • Materials Shaping the Future of Sustainable Energy Production

    Materials Shaping the Future of Sustainable Energy Production

    In pursuing a sustainable and cleaner future, the role of materials in energy production cannot be overstated. The renewable energy landscape is evolving rapidly, and innovative materials are at the forefront of these transformative changes. Let’s explore the key materials driving advancements in various sustainable energy sectors with real-life…

    Continue reading November 21st 2023
  • The Power of Carbon Accounting: Tracking our Carbon Footprint and Its Limitations

    The Power of Carbon Accounting: Tracking our Carbon Footprint and Its Limitations

    In an age where environmental concerns are paramount, it is imperative that we take responsibility for our impact on the planet. Carbon accounting is vital in this regard, enabling individuals and organisations to measure, manage, and mitigate their carbon emissions. In this blog post, we will take a look at carbon accounting, understand its sig…

    Continue reading November 7th 2023
  • Carbon Capture: An Innovative Solution for a Sustainable Future

    Carbon Capture: An Innovative Solution for a Sustainable Future

    The need for innovative solutions has never been more pressing in our ever-evolving world, where climate change and environmental sustainability concerns are at the forefront of global discussions. One such solution that holds great promise is Carbon Capture, a technology that can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of carbon capture as a solution to contribute to a sustainable future.

    Continue reading October 26th 2023
  • Navigating the Intricacies of the Energy Trilemma

    Navigating the Intricacies of the Energy Trilemma

    The Energy Trilemma, a term coined to represent the triad of energy security, energy equity, and environmental sustainability, underscores the crucial balance nations must strike to ensure a greener, more equitable energy future.

    Energy Security

    Ensuring stable, reliable, and ample supply of energy, which is crucial to maintain the fu…

    Continue reading October 5th 2023


    Our course lecturer, Bryan Jones, recently attended South West Wales – Regional Learning & Skills Partnership event – Future Skills for the Future Workforce, at the Stadium.

    Continue reading July 4th 2023